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Karate - The best investment in body, mind, and spirit
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  • Karate - Shotokan style

  • Karate for the integrity of the Art (BUDO)

  • Lineage of Master Funakoshi's Waseda University Karate Club

  • Offers a pathway to Mastery and beyond

  • Open to martial artists from other organizations seeking to share in practice and learn.

Elkins, WV


Adult/Teen Fall 2019 Session

Ages: 13+


Mondays and Wednesdays : All Year

6:30 - 8:30 PM


Ken Maxwell 

Elkins, WV

For Blackbelts only, this class is focused on advanced karate specifically for those working toward mastery.

Mount Lebanon Recreation Center
900 Cedar Boulevard

Pittsburgh, PA 15228

2020 - Spring

January 11     11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
January 25     11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
February 8      11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
February 22    11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
March 7           11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
March 21         11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM

April 4              11:00 AM  to 1:00 PM
Sping Fest - Budo in the "Burgh" Dates
April 16 Practice  7:00 to 9:00 PM
April 17 Practice  2:00 to 4:00 PM

April 17 Practice  7:00 to 9:00 PM

April 18  Kyu/Dan Test 1:30 to 4:00 PM
April 18  Festival Party 4:00 to 6:00 PM

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Karate Classes now available at Green Heiress

Serving Aspinwall, Fox Chapel, Highland Park, Sharpsburg

209 Commercial Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15215

Beginners age 14+   

Wednesdays               6-8:30 pm 

Black Belts                

Thursdays                  2-3:30 pm  


"Forty five years later, I ask: what did karate mean to me and how has it affected my life?"  



Dr. Mark Weingarden

Fox Chapel, PA

Mr. Sadaharu Honda 

Teaching in the USA since 1962, and has developed many high quality, high-ranking American Karateka.


With the support of his seniors, peers, students and those appreciative of his expertise, we have established Mumon Karate to increase access to those wishing to learn karate.


Mumon (無門 = No Gate) is a direct lineage of Master Funakoshi's Karate (Shotokan 松濤館).

Mumon Karate offers many ways and locations to practice authentic karate
Beginning Karate


Karate is for all ages and types of people.


Karate can be a lifelong endeavor and its values run deep. From basic physical and mental discipline to self-defense and enlightenment.

Mumon Karate is authentic Karate and not solely for competition or combat. Our karate is based on the martial art and the way of life. Many of our practitioners start as youth or in accredited courses, and continue to practice and enjoy Karate throughout their lives 50+ years.

Mumon Karate provides access to youth ages 14-17 and adults 18+ throughout the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

Register or come preview a class.

Academic Accredited Courses

Master Funakoshi's karate really found purchase in the highschool and univeristies in Japan. As a product of one of the oldest of Master Funakoshi's clubs, Waseda University, Mr. Honda has continued to teach at academic institutions throughout the US.


Mumon Karate's instructors have been certified and teach accredited courses in universities/colleges and private schools.


Karate combines fitness with self-defense, and provides physical and mental discipline while de-stressing a students life leading to better academic prowess. Courses include japanese history, philosophy, and cultural content, as well as physiology, mechanics and zen.


Please inquire for more information on our accredited courses.

Advanced Karate

Mastery in Karate is no easy path.


It is solely up to the individual to pursue and attain. There is absolutely no guarantee for progression at an advanced level. One can master techniques, physical strength, and be a champion in kumite, but not achieve ranks or transcend the deeper aspects of Karate that become mastery.


Mumon Karate is priviledged and honored to have access to so many high level masters. Our charter is to provide access to those desiring to learn karate, and the advanced level is not precluded.


We offer opportunities to get advice from true masters to help facilitate your pursuit of advanced ranks, and mastery. Advanced Practices are held bi-monthly where local and guest masters provide instruction and individual advice. We have also developed channels using technology to help facilitate virtual instruction.

Register to attend one or our bi-monthly advanced practices, or seek individual coaching from Mumon Karate even if your school/style is not Shotokan. When one becomes truly advanced, the style matters less than ones ability to demonstrate their mastery.

Shotokan Karate Pittsburgh

"Both Azato and his good friend Itosu shared at least one quality of greatness: they suffered from no petty jealousy of other masters. They would present me to the teachers of their acquaintance, urging me to learn from each the technique at which he excelled. Ordinary karate instructors, in my experience, are reluctant to permit their pupils to study under instructors of other schools, but this was far from true of either Azato or Itosu."


- Master Gichin Funakoshi, Karate-Do, My Way of Life.

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