Dojo Etiquette
Karate is dangerous so proper observance of etiquette is as important to our training as is learning the physical techniques of Karate.
Please follow the etiquette below at all dojos:
Students must advise instructors of ailments, injuries or diseases prior to instruction.
Remove your shoes before entering the dojo.
Bow each time you enter or leave the dojo and a sign of humility and respect.
Try not to be late for class. If you are late, enter the dojo quietly and wait at the back of the class until the instructor asks you to join the practice. You should then bow and join the class.
Remove your watch and all jewelry before practice to avoid injury to you and others.
Keep your finger and toe nails cut short to avoid injury to others. Maintaining personal cleanliness is an act of consideration, respect, and safety for yourself and others.
Hydration is important during practice, please keep liquids outside of the practice area to ensure safety.
No food is permitted in the dojo during practice.
No unnecessary talking during practice.
Never leave the dojo without permission.
Report all injuries to the instructor before leaving.
Help clean the dojo before practice.
Respect all dojo equipment such as kicking shields and focus mitts. They should always be neatly put away and should never be thrown around.
Visitors should sit quietly at the back of the dojo
Evidence of alcohol or drug use is grounds for immediate dismissal from the practice and the club.